
Getting ready for a job interview can be stressful – especially when you’re in a field like accounting where technical questions are the norm. 的 process is even more challenging if you’re in the early stages of your career or transitioning into accounting. 这就是为什么十大正规赌博平台大全排行邀请了Richard Menchen, NetJets副总裁兼运营总监, 私人航空公司, to share his insights into the interview process from the perspective of an experienced hiring manager. His experience 和 tips can help you underst和 what to expect 和 how to prepare for an accounting interview.  


会计面试在很多方面与大多数专业面试相似. 你的面试官想要了解你作为一个人,一个专业的人, learn about your education 和 experience 和 evaluate your potential fit on their team. 然而, 因为会计需要高度专业化的知识, you should also expect questions that test your accounting knowledge 和 abilities. 

Like most interviews, a st和ard accounting interview will open with introductions. Make a great first impression by preparing a brief introduction highlighting your education 和 experience. Most of your time with the interviewer will likely consist of questions 和 answers about your background, 你在这个职位中可能面临的技能和场景. 最后, the closing portion of the interview offers you a chance to ask the interviewer any questions about the company 和 position. 


参加会计面试, you can expect questions that fall into three main categories – general interview questions about your background 和 goals, technical accounting questions 和 behavioral questions related to your work style 和 collaborative ability. 虽然你被问到的具体问题会因职位和行业而异, underst和ing the types of questions that might arise can help you avoid getting caught off guard. 下面是门辰最常问初级和中级会计师的问题. 


如果你之前参加过专业职位的面试, some of the questions you’ll encounter in an accounting interview may seem familiar. 这些一般性的问题主要是为了了解你的教育程度, 你的职业经验和计划. 常见问题包括:

  • 你能介绍一下你自己吗?
  • 你在会计方面有什么背景和经验?
  • 你为什么决定成为一名会计?
  • 你为什么对这个职位特别感兴趣?


Though the specific technical accounting questions you encounter will vary based on position 和 industry, 在大多数面试中,你可能会被问到核心会计概念. 还记得, the interviewer is interested in both your knowledge 和 your ability to explain ideas effectively 和 concisely. 根据Menchen的说法,问题可能包括:

  • 请告诉我折旧和摊销的区别.
  • 请解释一下权责发生制和现金收付制的区别.
  • 给我讲讲这三份财务报表. 在评估一家公司的财务状况时,哪一点最重要? 
  • 你熟悉哪些会计软件? 你对每个软件的熟练程度是多少?

准备好进入会计行业了? 在十大正规赌博平台大全排行的免费会计职业指南中获得每个职业阶段的见解.



的 behavioral questions you’re asked in an accounting interview are likely to be similar to those you might encounter in other fields. 通过问这些问题, the interviewer is trying to assess what you’ll be like as a team member 和 how your personal work style will fit within the company. 行为问题包括:

  • 你如何处理团队中的冲突?
  • Please provide an example of when you improved an existing process—either an accounting or any other business process.
  • 你如何处理优先级的竞争和紧迫的截止日期?
  • Can you give an example of a challenging situation you faced at work 和 how you h和led it?


要预测面试中可能出现的所有问题是不可能的, but you can set yourself up for success by putting in the time to prepare beforeh和. 准备的关键步骤包括以下几点.

  • Ensure your online profile is up to date 和 aligned with the résumé you submitted when you applied for the position. 
  • Research the organization 和 its financials 和 be prepared to explain why you wish to work there. 
  • Practice your “elevator pitch” – a brief introduction to yourself 和 your experience. 
  • Save emails or other “kudos” from previous jobs 和 reference those when preparing for the interview. 带着它们和面试官分享会很有帮助. 
  • 通过回想你以前的工作,准备好回答行为方面的问题. 准备与你的经历相关的具体例子, 你所克服的成就和职业挑战. 
  • 准备好描述你的职业目标和抱负. 

即使感觉很尴尬, practicing introducing yourself 和 answering common questions before the interview is always wise. 请朋友或家人帮忙, 或者利用学院或大学提供的任何职业资源. 如果这些都失败了,那就对着镜子自言自语!


的 specific technical questions you encounter will vary depending on the role you’re interviewing for. 仍然, 回顾财务报表等核心会计概念, 应计制和折旧总是一个好主意. 如果你面试的是一个专业行业的会计职位, refresh your knowledge of that field 和 think about the financial concerns your target company may face. 

另一个关键步骤是仔细阅读职位描述. It likely specifies the role’s core tasks 和 mentions specific skills 和 software. Review those areas to ensure you’re fresh 和 ready to demonstrate your capabilities. 如果这个职位涉及到你以前没有用过的软件或功能, be honest about your experience – but be prepared to show your interviewer that you have a basic underst和ing of what the tool is used for 和 that you have a plan to fill in any skill gaps. 


面试是双向的. Your interviewer is trying to determine whether you’re a good fit for the role 和 the company, but it’s also an opportunity for you to assess whether the role is the right fit for you as a person. That’s why you should always take the opportunity to ask questions in your interview. 招聘经理可能会问的问题包括.

  • 一个典型的工作日/月是怎样的?
  • 有哪些类型的成长和发展机会?
  • 这个职位最具挑战性的方面是什么?
  • 这个职位的成功是怎样的? 
  • 职场文化是什么样的? 它是协作的吗?? 

即使你自信地知道这个职位需要做什么, it’s generally wise to ask at least one question to demonstrate to the interviewer that you are engaged 和 interested in the company. 


据门臣说, st和out applicants for accounting roles can demonstrate relevant experience 和 knowledge 和 show an ongoing commitment to career development 和 advancement. 像注册会计师这样的证书对某些职位来说是一个重要的增值, 尤其是那些更注重技术或研究的. 

门辰还希望应聘者在面试中表现出“软技能”. 一些小事情,比如和面试官保持良好的眼神交流, 而不是低头或环顾房间, 能产生巨大的影响吗. Be polished 和 timely, 和 show your interviewer you’re enthusiastic about the company 和 the role. 

“不要害怕谈论你自己,”门辰说. “Identify skills or traits that you are good at 和 be sure to highlight those attributes in the interview.”

谈话结束后,发送一封感谢邮件或便条. 如果你面试了不止一个人,给每个面试官发一封个性化的便条. 即使在当今快节奏的世界, 这种姿态对许多招聘经理来说仍然很重要. 


如果你准备好了在会计行业发展, 十大正规赌博平台大全排行的硕士学位课程可能适合你. 

M.S. 在会计-财务运作重点M.S. 在会计-税务重点 每个课程都提供由经验丰富的从业者教授的理论到实践的课程. 这两个学位都是100%在线交付的,可以在短短17个月内完成, 让你在不中断职业生活的情况下学习. +, earning a master’s degree will give you the required hours 和 foundational knowledge needed to sit for professional accounting certification exams, 比如注册会计师(CPA)的称号. 

了解十大正规赌博平台大全排行 会计硕士学位 能帮你建立你的未来吗.

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